This is how we got started...
“One of my life’s missions is to empower, educate, encourage, and inspire parents/guardians and educators of young children.” -Breanna Churchill
Breanna Churchill is the wife of Fabian Churchill. Together they have two adventurous boys. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood with a concentration in Child and Family Services. Her professional experience includes working as a teacher, child care director, tutor, and a family/community service worker.
Currently, she is a full-time home educator, tutor, Sunday school teacher, an award winning author of children’s books and the founder of The Brown Bear Book Club. The club empowers parents/guardians and educators with book ideas, tools, and tips for young children. Breanna believes wholeheartedly in the scripture "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him." Psalms 127:3.
The Brown Bear Book Club was named after Breanna's oldest son's enjoyment of the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" by Bill Martin, Jr, and Eric Carle. Her son spoke his first full sentence after reading the book.

Behind the scenes, there is a real family who loves God and people...

Fabian & Breanna Churchill
Fabian and Breanna met in February 2011 while working at a real estate company and studying at Southern Illinois University. A friendship that began as friends going to church together turned into marriage on June 28, 2014. Today, they serve at their local church and in their community. Fabian helps lead worship at the connect(life) group they attend while Breanna teaches toddlers/preschoolers at children's church. Fabian also works as a Correctional Assessment Specialist in a correctional facility. Breanna is a full-time mom and entrepreneur. She is an author and founder of the Brown Bear Book Club.

Our Children
"Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth."
Psalms 127:4
One of the primary goals of the Churchill family is to put God and family first. It is their mission to educate and disciple their sons to know and love God as well as serve others. There are many activity demonstrations that feature them! When they boys are not taking adventures through books and activities, they are exploring cars, trucks, blocks, and music.